Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Geometry Map Project: Lines, Angles and More!

I found the following project online and tweaked it to meet the needs of my students. They are pretending to be interns for Hasbro while using their geometry knowledge! We talked about what an intern's roll would be and they did an outstanding job of relating it to college. Here are some great works in progress. Most are finishing up their rough drafts today and will be starting their final product on a larger Manila paper tomorrow. I can't wait to see their final project when they present on Friday!

Geometry Map Project:  Lines, Angles and More!               
Your goal is to design a map that includes several different kinds of lines, angles, and geometric terms.

You are an intern at Hasbro, a company that designs board games.

The audience is your immediate supervisor and a group of volunteer testers between the ages of 8 and 15.

You have been asked to create a map of a made up place for a board game.  Upon completion of this project you will present your map to the class as if you are presenting your map to your supervisor and the volunteer testers.

Product Performance and Purpose
You need to draw a template of the map for the board game.  Your map must include the following:
  1. Two sets of streets that are parallel
  2. Two sets of streets that are perpendicular
  3. Streets that intersects another street to form an obtuse angle, right angle, and acute angle (three different angles).
  4. Three streets that are a line segment, ray, and line
  5. A minimum of five local attractions (such as an ice cream parlor, swimming pool, school, gas station, movie theater, etc.)
  6. Two buildings that are congruent to one another
  7. Title and Compass Rose
  8. Scale (For example, 1 inch= 5 miles)
  9. You are also to write out + different sets of directions from one place to another. Each set of directions must have one of these terms: parallel, intersecting or perpendicular. These directions should be able to get your volunteer testers from one place to another on your map without getting lost!
  10. Bonus math term that is incorporated well into your map.
Standards and Criteria for Success                                                                                                                
Your map needs to include:
v  Accurate representations of each of the requirements listed above
v  Complete directions with correct use of terminology
v  Neat and attractive design

Here is their rubric:

Completely on task and working accountably during the assigned time given for project. Project was turned in on time.
Mostly on task and working accountably during the assigned time given for project. Project was turned in on time.
Somewhat on task and working accountably during the assigned time given for project. Project was turned in on time.
Rarely on task and working accountably during the assigned time given for project. Project was turned in late.
Neatness of Color and Lines
All straight lines are ruler-drawn, all errors have been neatly corrected and all features are colored completely.
All straight lines are ruler-drawn, most errors have been neatly corrected and most features are colored completely.
Most straight lines are ruler-drawn, most errors have been neatly corrected and most features are colored completely.
Many lines, corrections of errors, and/or features are not neatly done.
Geometry Components
The map includes at least 10 of the required geometry components.
The map includes 8 or more of the required geometry components.
The map includes 6 or more of the required geometry components.
The map includes fewer than 6 the required geometry components.
Three sets of directions are written and each direction has one of the following terms: parallel, intersecting or perpendicular.
Two sets of directions are written and only one of the directions has one of the following terms: parallel, intersecting or perpendicular.
Only one set of directions are written and it has one of the following terms: parallel, intersecting or perpendicular.
Only one set of directions are written but it does not have one of the following terms: parallel, intersecting or perpendicular.
Map is presented clearly to classmates showing all geometry components and both sets of directions were easily followed.
Map is presented clearly to classmates showing all geometry components but only one set of directions were easily followed.
Map is presented clearly to classmates showing all geometry components but neither set of directions were easily followed.
Map is not presented clearly to classmates showing all geometry components and at least one of the directions was not easily followed.